Frequently Asked Questions

Registrations and visits

Finding a childcare solution that suits your needs and your budget is made easier by the support offered by the State.

The Chèque-Service Accueil (CSA) is a financial aid scheme provided by the Luxembourg government. You can benefit from reduced rates in approved childcare and education services, such as L’Enfant Roi.

Be aware that the amount is not the same from one family household to another! The amount of this financial aid is calculated according to certain criteria, specific to each individual’s situation:

Income of the household the child lives in
Number of children eligible for family allowances in the household and child’s position in the sibling order
Type of childcare structure
Number of hours the child spends in the childcare structure

(source : )

The amount of the CSA is paid directly to the creche or day care centre.

Depending on the age of the child, the government offers specific aids: children aged 1 to 4 benefit from 20 hours of free childcare per week.

This aid is available to both Luxembourg residents and cross-border workers (at least one parent working in Luxembourg).

Creche places in Luxembourg are in high demand, especially in popular areas like Kirchberg and Cloche d’Or. To secure a place for your child, we recommend contacting us as early as the third month of pregnancy, or about 9 months before your desired start date.

A last-minute request? All is not lost, contact us, we sometimes have vacancies!

It’s so easy! Just fill in the visit request form right here. Fill in your contact details and your preferred time slots. See you soon!

Definitely! We strongly encourage you to register early to secure your place and enjoy peace of mind. You can easily fill out the pre-registration form here or request a visit here. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

It’s very simple! Just fill out the pre-registration form right here. Enter your contact information and the desired creche. See you soon!


We are open Monday to Friday, from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM for all of our creches..

We are open Monday to Friday. The only closing days are legal holidays. On December 24th and December 31st, we exceptionally close earlier, at 1:00 PM.

Starting creche is a key moment for both your child and you. We do everything we can to ensure that your child feels safe and secure in our creche. To learn more about the adaptation period and how it goes, please visit our website.

Guided by the principles of Montessori pedagogy, we foster an environment conducive to free choice for children. In a nurturing environment and accompanied by our caring educational team, have the freedom to explore a diverse range of activities. From Montessori educational materials adapted to their developmental stage to engaging artistic activities and captivating storytelling sessions, everything is designed for children to thrive while learning and enjoying themselves. Moments of calm and relaxation are also offered, allowing children to unwind and recharge. Physical activity plays an essential role in our program, with psychomotricity sessions and yoga sessions promoting children’s motor development and coordination. Cultural outings and excursions into nature enable them to explore the world around them and open up to new horizons.

L’Enfant Roi has its own mobile app, providing you with instant access to all the information you need about your child’s care and development. Visit our “Monitoring and Support” page to learn more.

Early language learning is a valuable asset for children’s cognitive and intellectual development. That’s why our creches are multilingual. We promote the learning of French, Luxembourgish, and English in some creches. We have an intuitive and gentle linguistic approach: language awakening. Click here to learn more about this pedagogical method. 

Our central kitchen ensures tasty and healthy meals for the children. Embark on a culinary journey: nutrition page.

Juggling breastfeeding and crèche can be a smooth and rewarding experience with the right support. At L’Enfant Roi, we understand the importance of breastfeeding and are committed to helping you continue this special bond with your baby. If you have the flexibility, you are welcome to come to the creche to breastfeed your child. We also offer the option of providing expressed breast milk for your baby’s feedings. Simply collect your milk following proper hygiene guidelines and bring it to the creche in a chilled container. We will collaborate with you to establish the practical arrangements (location, feeding times, etc.). To ensure food safety, we use breast milk within 24 hours of expression.

We provide everything, you just relax and enjoy! At L’Enfant Roi, we prioritize your peace of mind and your child’s well-being. That’s why we offer a comprehensive creche service that includes everything your child needs, from diapers and wipes to other essentials.
If your child has any allergies or special requirements, you are welcome to bring your own diapers. Please inform us during registration so we can ensure personalized care and accommodate your child’s unique needs

If your child is taking medication, we can administer it at the creche. To do this, you must send us the medical prescription prescribed by your doctor and all the information required for the treatment and/or care.

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Other questions ?

You can contact us directly online, we will respond to you as quickly as possible!