Hygiene and Safety

Hygiene and Safety


Our creches are a place of physical and psychological safety for the children in our care. Our premises and protocols are designed to enable them to explore, discover and grow in complete safety.

l'équipe de ménage dans notre crèche au Luxembourg
nettoyage des locaux de notre crèche L'Enfant Roi

Rigorous hygiene practices

At L’Enfant Roi, we take hygiene and safety very seriously. That’s why we have our own cleaning teams. Our Gouvernante supervises them and conducts visual checks on cleaning and HACCP standards compliance. Thanks to HACCP standards training, strict premises cleaning plans and the use of appropriate professional-grade products, we prevent the risk of contamination and guarantee a healthy environment in our creches.


Regular controls

Air quality is monitored by analysers installed in each structure. These analyzers constantly monitor the air quality, allowing us to swiftly correct any potential indoor air pollution issues. Additionally, we conduct regular surface microbiological controls to ensure that our facilities are free from harmful bacteria and germs.

pipette pour le contrôle d'hygiène de notre crèche L'Enfant Roi Luxembourg


Strict safety protocols

We understand that your child’s safety is paramount, so that it’s our top priority. We have implemented a comprehensive set of safety protocols and procedures that are rigorously enforced and regularly updated. Our facilities are designed with safety in mind and fully child-friendly, and our staff is trained in first aid.

We conduct regular drills to ensure that everyone is prepared to respond to any situation. We are committed to continuous improvement, and we regularly review and update our safety protocols to ensure that they meet the highest standards.

un cadenas et un enfant de notre crèche L'Enfant Roi Luxembourg pour illustrer la sécurité
Le Nido de notre crèche Am Piesch à Strassen

High-quality equipment

Our creche are equipped with top-of-the-range furniture, as well as teaching and play materials adapted to each age group. Additionally, we have our own dedicated technical team enabling us to react quickly and maintain our facilities at a high standard. We provide a safe and welcoming space for your child.


L’Enfant Roi bus

We have our own bus for outings. It is adapted for young children, and driven by a qualified and trained driver. This allows us to take your child on regular outings to explore the world around them in a safe and comfortable environment.


le bus des crèches L'Enfant Roi au Luxembourg