La maison des enfants



A child is not a vase that we fill, but a watercourse that we let spring

Maria Montessori

La Maison des Enfants marks the final stage of the creche. At this age, children are ready to explore the world more independently. Their minds are eager to learn and their curiosity knows no bounds. To prepare them for school, we open up the fields of exploration with new materials and new learning experiences.

In addition to the different areas of the Communauté Enfantine, mathematics and cosmic education (geography, biology, botany, time) are also included.

module maison des enfants crèche Howald L'Enfant Roi
enfant qui fait puzzle montessori en crèche

Cosmic education

By “cosmic education,” we mean all learning related to the elements of nature and human beings. Children are naturally drawn to the world around them. With the right materials, they can explore geography, botany, biology, and the concept of time. Our environments are equipped with puzzles, world maps, botanical cabinets, seasonal carpets, birthday wheels, and picture albums.


New materials such as number bars, spindles, numerals, and counters etc. are introduced. These facilitate and concretize the introduction to the metric system, the discovery of numbers, and the learning of even and odd. Children learn to concentrate, reflect, associate their eyes with their movements, and organize their workspace.

enfant qui joue à un jeu montessori mathématiques en crèche

Daily discovery

Children flourish at their own pace, fostering self-confidence as they delve into mathematical and scientific concepts, expand their vocabulary, express their creativity through art and music, and learn to interact with others with respect and kindness.

activité de landart en crèche

Land Art

Children gather natural elements and create outdoor masterpieces. These ephemeral works evolve with the seasons, refining their perception of nature. The connection with the natural world deepens as they immerse themselves in the fresh air and artistic expression.

sortie au musée en crèche

Visits and outings

From farm visits to nature walks, museum excursions to city explorations, each outing sparks a journey of learning, wonder, and curiosity. Children expand their horizons, immersing themselves in diverse environments and cultures. Every outing is an exciting time for the children to learn, marvel and develop their curiosity.

enfant fière qui montre ses mains après une activité artistique en crèche

Art projects

Through art projects, children cultivate collaboration, share ideas and solve problems together. They develop their fine motor skills, coordination and sense of observation. They also enrich their vocabulary and learn to express their emotions and perspectives through art.